Kỳ Nghỉ Chết Người
Fatal Vacation
A pleasent trip to the Phillipines is turned into tragedy when the tour bus is kidnapped by a group of rebels that want to exchange the prisoners for the Rebel Leader's brother...
![Banner Phim Kỳ Nghỉ Chết Người (Fatal Vacation)](https://assets.xemphimchua.com/file/banner-phim/ky-nghi-chet-nguoi-hd-fatal-vacation.jpg?&data=aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWcub3BoaW0ubGl2ZS91cGxvYWRzL21vdmllcy9reS1uZ2hpLWNoZXQtbmd1b2ktcG9zdGVyLmpwZw==)
A pleasent trip to the Phillipines is turned into tragedy when the tour bus is kidnapped by a group of rebels that want to exchange the prisoners for the Rebel Leader's brother...