Quái Vật Của Thuộc Địa Nudist
Monster Of The Nudist Colony
Mr. Hammer, a private detective, is hired to find a monster terrorizing a nudist colony and his wife is very eager to tag along.
![Banner Phim Quái Vật Của Thuộc Địa Nudist (Monster Of The Nudist Colony)](https://assets.xemphimchua.com/file/banner-phim/phim-quai-vat-cua-thuoc-dia-nudist-monster-of-the-nudist-colony.jpg?&data=aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4ucGhpbTE4dmlwLm5ldC9pbWFnZXMzL21vbnN0ZXItb2YtbnVkaXN0LWNvbG9ueS0yMDEzLmpwZw==)
Mr. Hammer, a private detective, is hired to find a monster terrorizing a nudist colony and his wife is very eager to tag along.